Individual Photography Classes and Instruction
Photography Classes and Photoshop Instruction
Jennifer offers one-on-one photography classes to interested people in St. Lawrence County, including Canton, Potsdam, Ogdensburg, and Massena. Travel outside the county is possible for an additional fee. Gift certificates for one-on-one photography classes are available! They make a great birthday or Christmas gift for the photographer in your family.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Learn how to use your camera to take better pictures.
- Learn how to use both natural light and flash.
- Learn Photoshop techniques and skills
- Learn about composition to make more creative and compelling images.
- All classes include hands-on instruction with your own equipment and opportunity for feedback on your images.
Jennifer can meet with you in your home or at a local park for a nature walk to practice hands-on photography outdoors in our beautiful natural environment.
Please contact Jennifer for more information and pricing
(315) 244-5220 or email