I spent a beautiful day with Jason and Diana for their wedding last week at Trout Lake and Lampson Falls. The beauty of the fall colors was matched and exceeded by the beauty of their love for each other. They and their families welcomed me into their lives for just a short while, and I came back feeling enriched.

We started the day at Diana and Jason’s rental cabin on Trout Lake provided by White Pillars Lodging.  The views were so peaceful, and I enjoyed using reflections in the windows to showcase the beautiful lake views.

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After getting ready at the cabin, Diana and Jason and their families traveled to Lampson Falls, south of Canton.  After a short walk, we made it to the base of the Falls where they had set up for the wedding ceremony.  Later, Jason told me that it was his step-grandfather who had originally owned this land, and donated it upon his passing so that everyone could continue to enjoy the beautiful waterfall.  All of us who visit regularly are so grateful that it will always be available.

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